Monday 5 March 2018


Dead hydrangea flower with snow as background

On the new bit of my allotment.


Taken For Granted said...

Always liked the way old Hydrangea blossoms look in the snow. Good photo.

Coline said...

Darn! I pruned all mine off two weeks ago...

Lucy Corrander : Photos said...

Hello Taken for Granted. I don't much like hydrangea bushes but do like the dead flowers.

Lucy Corrander : Photos said...

Hello Coline.
The hydrangea bush is on the new bit of my allotment. I inherited it (a week ago) with flowers still in place. I wouldn't have planted it myself but was pleased to see these dead heads against the snow. Since it's there I'll now learn how to look after it - like . . . do you prune hydrangeas?

Susan said...

Here in Tennessee, our hydrangeas are usually blue, a few purple and pink, but I've never seen one dried like that. I'm just happy when mine actually blooms. =)

Lucy Corrander : Photos said...

Hello Susan. Hydrangeas here are grown in similar colours but it's a fairly standard thing to leave the blooms on over winter so the dried flowers can be appreciated.