Friday 20 April 2018


Cobbled street, industry, old housing, new housing, community centre, pink blossom.

19th April 2018.
Suddenly there is sunshine. It went from cold to hot overnight. 23 degrees may not seem hot to some readers in some parts of the world but the heat and the glare was too much for me. I came home, lay down for a while and was then sick.
The trees noticed too. Blossom erupted. Leaf buds opened. If this continues we will swing from winter to summer without proper spring.


Coline said...

Cobbled streets are always a visual joy. It is hard to imagine that they were built when the heaviest vehicle was a horse drawn cart and thev survived ever increasing axle weights from european rulings yet outlast , without maintenance, roads built to current specifications and demands.

Lucy Corrander : Photos said...

Hello Coline. They are amazing. And durable. In the winter a hole appeared in a tarmac road when there was a lot of rain - and revealed the cobbles beneath it. Which were then re-tarmaced over.